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Sofia BOHDANOVA (a second-year student, majoring in Public Communications): “After February 24, I had the opportunity to find myself useful to people on the home front. I have been volunteering as a translator for an International Humanitarian Organization «In God’s Hand» for almost a year today and I can describe it as the period of the highest responsibility and irreplaceable experience. As a translator, I was in the role of a connecting thread between different cultures, languages, and people. We should also keep in mind the special features of the time we live in. People from all corners of Ukraine asked to get their stories about pain, loss, and grief into the world as genuine as possible. It was my personal challenge to transform their tears into words that will cause mass attention to Ukraine, its internal problems and needs. . Only because of the established understanding between our organization and foreign volunteers after their return to their countries, they continue being committed to Ukraine and its citizens and moreover, to help distantly. Conveying the right message about the contemporary situation in my country from one language to another and thus breaking all existing barriers between nations is one of the most special advantages of my experience.”

Viktoriia MATUSHAK ( a second-year student majoring in International Relations “I had an amazing opportunity to be the part of ESN Ukraine delegation, and represent our country and university. I will tell you briefly about the event. Spring NA Suceava was held from 9th to 12th March by ESN Romania in Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. The main purpose of this event was to elect the next ESN Romania NB. However, during those four days, ESN Romania shared its experience in organizing events for students, developing social media, and analyzing mistakes that were made throughout the year as well. Moreover, numerous workshops were held to actively involve the audience: Work-Life Balance, GDPR & IT Tools, Challenging the War from ESN Ukraine, The Warmth of Self-Love, and Organizing International Events. (Behind the Scenes.) The Ukrainian delegation was allocated in the agenda to represent our country and draw more attention to our history, culture, start-ups, and obviously – war.

Personally speaking, it was a huge responsibility to speak about Russian invasion and the importance of supporting Ukraine. Still, I believe our delegation did a great job. For me, this event was an amazing chance to practice and improve English speaking skills as well as get acquainted with new progressive people with innovative ideas.”

Студентка 1-го курсу Марина Божек (спеціальність “Міжнародні відносини”) виступила перекладачем статті про мисткиню Єлизавету Непочатих для журналу Les Nouveaux Riches. Вітаємо з гарним початком перекладацької карʼєри!

Посилання на статтю

Відео для благодійної конференції у м. Філадельфія, США (перекладач Анастасія Борова, студентка 2-го курсу, спеціальність “Міжнародна інформація”)

Подяка за співпрацю

Roksolana Myroniuk, International Studies 105

From my point of view, there are lots of factors that make the English language essential for mankind. First, it gives unity to people from different countries outside of their native language. I have had much experience as an interpreter.
For example, I’ve participated in International karate competitions in the Czech Republic, Romania, and Serbia where I had a great opportunity to communicate with people in English and translate for my coach. Another experience was on vacation in Albania where a woman broke her arm. I communicated in English to figure out what was wrong with her and explain to the medical staff what happened.
I have been an interpreter for my family several times. In Germany, I was able to assist my family in filling out documents to rent another car key for our vehicle. Another situation where I understood the value of knowing English was in Montenegro where my parents met a British family. The acquaintance began with the fact that I was reading the English book “Dracula” and didn’t understand some words.  Then these people offered me help and that’s how our conversation began.  During it, we learned that we have a lot in common, namely that our mothers are teachers. Also, on a similar trip, I was able to spend 5 days surrounded by native English speakers and communicate with my family.

Evelina BANAR (a first-year student, majoring in International Relations): While volunteering in Siret, Romania, we have been translating from/to three languages – English, Romanian, and Ukrainian. Our responsibility was to make sure that refugees and IGSU staff understand each other, help to fill the documents as well as other vital activities for Ukrainians.

We spoke with different people from various parts of the world. I had an opportunity to translate for UN and International Committee of the Red Cross representatives, who were attending the shelter. My sister and I have also given an interview to Italian and Columbian journalists, reporting on the russia’s violent war in Ukraine.

Студентка другого курсу Факультет історії, політології та міжнародних відносин ЧНУ спеціальності «міжнародні відносини» Кафедра міжнародних відносин та суспільних комунікацій ЧНУ ім. Федьковича Кафедра сучасних іноземних мов та перекладу
Софія Богданова, перебуваючи на навчанні за обміном у Литві за програмою Еразмус+,виступила у ролі запрошеноі спікерки на “International Lingvostudio Event: Chernivtsi/Lviv (Ukraine ) – Kaunas ( Lithuania ) “Enrich Your Present to Construct Your Future” (координаторка та модераторка Associate Professor Veronica Martynyuk).
Основною тезою виступу Софії “To Visualize Your Future Goal You Need to Embrace Your Present Calling” стало висвітлення проблеми щодо важливості самовираження та саморозвитку, про перетворення своїх прагнень на здійсненну мрію.
Особлива увага була приділена проблемі сучасної української ідентичності, яка зазнає значних трансформацій за часів революцій та російської агресії; питанню захисту спільних
європейських цінностей та як зробити Україну сильнішою.

Щиро вітаємo Софію Богданову та бажаємо подальших успіхів та здійснення мрій